• VOCs: 12/27/2020
  • Vaccine: July update: 7/27/2020
  • Sniffing COVID: 6/30/2020
  • Genes and Proteins: 7/27/2020

    Blog Archives

  • VOCs in COVID-19

        Sun, December 27, 2020

    December 27, 2020: The Breathprint of COVID-19 : Bad breath in those infected with COVID-19 might be the least of their problems. But studying it helps in understanding the mechanisms of this deadly respiratory disease and developing diagnostic tests.

    Dozens of confirmed cases of halitosis owing to active infection by SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) have been reported in the literature.

    Several volatile organic compounds in breath have been shown to display significant predictive power for the disease and its severity.
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    December 26, 2020: Genes and Microbes : Intestinal microbiome can influence our nutritional decisions. But our genes could affect the assortment of our gut microbes.
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    December 31, 2020: Warmth and Competence: Celebrating New Year with some science and a heart
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